Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Calling All FoKs

Can you read my boobs? That's Friends Of Kalquor!!
You know who you are!

After a year in the works, and hitting more snags than an afghan in a bramble bush, Clan Honor and Empire is FINALLY published!!!! 

This comes as a huge relief. Getting Clan Honor and Empire published, even after it was finished, hit saga levels. I was beginning to worry Tracy St. John was going to tear out her hair and start riding empty train cars with hobos. Her mental well being was in question. 

Soap opera music played every time Clan Honor and Empire was brought up. 

It was freaky. 

But the storm is finally over, and I've seen the rainbow my fellow FoKs

It. Is. Glorious. 

Clan, Honor, and Empire by Tracy St. John 

421 pages

Warning; Devastatingly hot alien cock in multiples,  m/m/m, bdsm elements. Intended for a naughty mature audience.  

I always enjoy Tracy St. John books, but a few really grab a hold of me and make me feel as giddy as a schoolgirl with her first crush. I'm happy to report Clan Honor and Empire is one of those books for me. 

My doodling skills really peeked in junior high

I think this story is going to be a real treat for her fans. It certainly was for me. I'm really excited for everyone to read it. I also believe that if this were the first Tracy St. John someone was picking up, it's the kind of book that would make the reader want to buy her other books. 

 A few things really stood out in this book's overall awesomeness; 

-The book is 25 years before Alien Embrace during Rajhir's playboy phase. They are new adults, but if anyone refers to this as a New Adult sci-fi I will hunt you down. The guys felt fresh and new. Also, this felt like Rajhir's story and I was really rooting for him to find himself and his clan. 

-The guys obsession with women is pronounced. Unexpectedly this did something for me, and made the book more than just another reason for me to be sad I didn't have a prostate. That was something I loved about Tranis (To Clan and Conquer). His absolute fascination with women. Seeing this again, but with all the guys really tripped my trigger. This is brought up throughout Clan Honor and Empire and made me enjoy the delicious man sex all the more. 

I mean really. They are going to clan women. So it's nice to reminded while they're having hot sweaty mangasms, they'd give up the prostate stroking in favor of a lady they love. 

In. A. Heartbeat. 

I need those bi moments that proclaim, 'yes my book boyfriend has a boyfriend, but he really does love pussy even more!'. 

-The sex in this book is incendiary. And plentiful. I think the sex was in perfect proportion to the story, but if you end up reading this one with your book in one hand and the vibrator in the other I wouldn't judge you. At all. 

These things happen.

-The Gegra, Nivere, Astef, Utim side saga. Was so invested in this. You will get angry, you will cry, and then you will bust a gut laughing. In the end your heart will be so happy.

-Glimpses and teases of some of our favorite characters as younglings. This made me hungry for all the books Tracy is working on right now. Did you know Egilka is seventeen years older than Clajak and their clanning was arranged, so he was a part of raising Clajak? 

Yeah, I now need to know everything about their relationship. 

At some point he goes from big brother to I want to be your lovaahh, and I want all the dirty details!! 

-The exchanges between all the characters are often humorous in an offbeat way. It really gives the characters life. 

-Bloody savage Nobek moment. I adore it when they go all savage beast and tear people limb from limb. I don't know why. It satisfies my soul in a way I myself do not understand. 

-I had forgotten Breft is one of my all time favorite characters. This book reminded me of all the reasons why. 

-The story is outstanding. It's a great story. I was very disappointed when I had to attend to life and sleep. I laughed, I got turned on, I cried then I did it all again. 

I wanted to applaud at the end of this book like I was at the movies. And yes, I'm one of those people that applaud after a good movie. 

Outstanding job Tracy St. John!


Now, while I have all you FoKs here, for a little fun with titles. I often entertain myself, while away from a book I'm enjoying, by thinking up what the title would be if it were in another genre. 

Here are some Kalquor genre title mashups; 

And btw, I suck donkey dong at making mock cover text. I apologize in advance for the low rate fontage.

As my husband says, just go with it. 

Alien Rule as a Regency Romance

Alien Embrace as a Regency Romance
Captive Matarra would also work

Sister Katherine as a Regency

Clan and Conquer as a Contemporary or Regency

Clan and Conquer as a Sport Themed Contemporary
Inspired by Tranis's love of kurble 

Clan and Conquer and/or Clan and Conviction as a Regency

As Contemporary 

Okay, Clan Honor and Empire as a regency would be The Reluctant Dramok or;

CHE as a Contemporary 
Doesn't he make a yummy Breft?

CHE as a New Adult (b/c I just had to)
I could do this all day

Okay go forth and read! 

And if you have your own genre titles for any of your favorite Kalquor books please share with the group!!!

*For more on Tracy St. John and her Clans of Kalquor, head over to http://www.tracystjohn.blogspot.com/ 


  1. Thanks Aubrey! This was an awesome post...so thrilled it made you happy. Now I'm wondering if I should tell Erin she has competition in cover artistry?

    And Nook still has me contemplating giving it all up and riding trains with hobos, btw.

    1. LOL, For some reason I don't think Erin will feel threatened. :D

      Don't hop on the boxcar just yet!! Have you tried standing on your head, while patting your tummy, circling your right foot clockwise, and chanting "I wish I were a real boy" when submitting to B&N? You have to do it just right, and hit enter with the big toe of your left foot.
