Monday, February 10, 2014

What Happens When The Dom Dies?

A popular way to tramatize or humanize a Dom is to tragically kill off his sub or slave. I've read this again and again. Recently I was reading the description of Kitty Thomas's Tender Mercies, that involves yet another Dom whose slave tragically died, and my mind started yelling the question, What the fuck happens when a Dom dies?

I know we like to put ourselves in the role of the sub/slave. Doms tend to be our infallible anchors. Just the thought of losing our Dom or Master is devastating. I imagine writing this would be a horrendous undertaking. The sub would have to be strong enough to keep going, yet vulnerable enough to be understandably tragic, yet not so much that is drags for the entire book.

I imagine a heartbreaking Prelude then Chapter One beginning three years later to a sub with enough baggage she needs a U-haul.  It's so much easier to put together a wounded Dom. Finding all the pieces of a shattered sub is a whole other beast. A journey less taken.

We want to be part of our fictitious Dom's salvation. We want to be the sub that heals our wounded hero. We want to be the sub that benefits from a powerful man finding his soul and making him realize it's not to late. But I also find, a sick part of me wants to read about the devastation, death, and healing rebirth of a sub shattered by such an extreme loss.

Well, at least I thought I did.

I know what you all are thinking.

What about The Reluctant Dom by Tymber Dalton? The Dom dies in that book. 

Indeed. The Dom does die.

The book it self is actually the second Doms story, BUT it fits the devastation, death, and healing rebirth criteria I was looking for.

By show of hands, how many of you have read this book? I would like to have a group therapy session, because I seriously have PTSD after this one.

The Reluctant Dom by Tymber Dalton

This is actually a different cover than the one shown on the site. I'm not sure which publisher it's under right now. That's besides the point. My soul has been rendered, and even after healed, will never be the same again. Tymber Dalton makes the heartache experienced reading a Nicolas Sparks seem like stubbing your toe.

My guts feel like they've been ripped out through my eye balls. 

For those of you who have no idea what this book is, well, let me introduce you. 

Seth's best friend since infancy. The man who has been more brother, for the past forty years, is dying. Kaden has always been Seth's rock. His anchor in life. Now his anchor is dying and wants Seth to marry his wife. Yep. Kaden has this whole other part of his life Seth had no idea existed. Kaden's wife, whom Seth has always loved, is also Kaden's slave. Now Kaden wants Seth to live the life he's no longer going to get to live. 

That's a little nutshell of what this book is about.This is a story of friendship, love, brother hood and having to live the 'after'. It's all written in third person from Seth's POV. It's deva-fucking-stating to read this man's journey. Seth has always looked up to Kaden. He's always envied Kaden. Now all he wants is to be the one dying, so that Kaden can live. 

I've never, EVER, cried so much reading one book. I was snot bubble crying on and off from beginning to end. This is not safe to read in public. I would be reading a section and for a moment forget Kaden's dying, and then BAM! 

Just typing this shit and recalling the events of this book tear me up. You go through the guilt, the regrets, the denial, the acceptance and through it all the soul bleeding sorrow. 

The thing is, Tymber Dalton has the gift for writing characters that are extremely three dimensional. They are personable and real. They don't have any over romanticized traits. Their conversations are real, their reactions are what you can imagine saying or doing under those circumstances. They sometimes have bellies, they have real jobs, with realistic hours and pay. They have guilt, jealousy, and insecurities. 

I think the best example is her Slave For Two series. She has a triad that goes through the daily nuances of navigating that kind of relationship. Some days are boring. It's not always dramatic. Insecurities often creep up on us and fester before coming to the surface. Those hard times that a relationship go through aren't usually in the first year. They usually come to head two three years into the happily ever after. These kind of Tymber Dalton books are iconic for making alternate lifestyles, and all they entail, real.  

And The Reluctant Dom feels painfully real. 

How Tymber Dalton made it through writing this book, I have no idea. Days later and I'm still having moments I just tear up recalling a part of the book. 

I seriously looked just like this after reading the book

Now, my soul feels cleansed. I was actually in a really bad funk the light of day just couldn't penetrate, before reading this book. I think the story shocked me out of it. My step feels lighter, the air smells sweeter, and I appreciate my loves all the more. 

Just from the synopsis and reviews, I knew this book was going to put me through the ringer. I actually discovered it over a year ago and knew I wasn't ready for it. I'm glad I waited until I was in a sad bastard state of mind. There is nothing like crying, for the better part of two days, over fictional character's devastation and spiritual healing, to make your world a better place. 

318 pages

Warning: This book contains bdsm, whipping, sex toys, bondage, anal, M/f/M sex and a M/f HEA that is so heartbreakingly beautiful you will die a little while reading it. Not for the faint of heart, or those that are in the mood for a 'light' read. 

Thank You Tymber Dalton!

For more on Tymber Dalton, please visit @

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